石渠寶笈初編(養心殿),上冊,頁660&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁308&*故宮書畫圖錄,第六冊,頁177-178&*1.〈明倪端捕魚圖〉,收入陳階晉、賴毓芝主編,《追索浙派》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2008年初版一刷),頁174。 &*倪端(西元十五世紀),杭州人。字仲正。宣德中徵入畫院,任職正千戶。善畫道釋人物,山水宗南宋馬、夏。 此軸人物形象真實生動,漁罟、竹簍、岸邊?葭矮荻?畫細緻,充份營造出江南鄉間水際草木榮滋茂盛之狀。山水採馬、夏「斜角式構圖」,皴法則為李、郭「卷雲皴」。畫面左方繁富詳細的景物,恰與右邊江水的空曠虛迷形成強烈對比。&*Netting Fish Ni Tuan (mid-15th c.) Ming Dynasty Ni Tuan, a native of Hangchow, entered the imperial painting academy in the Hsüan-te era (1426-1435) and was honored with a high rank at court. He excelled at painting Taoist and Buddhist figures, and he modeled his landscapes after those of the Southern Sung artists Ma Yüan and Hsia Kuei. This work presents a lively description of a fishing scene. The net, bamboo basket, and reeds along the banks are painted in great detail. Ni Tuan has captured the appearance of luxuriant reeds and foliage along watery banks in Kiangnan. He adopted the “one-corner” composition of Ma Yüan and Hsia Kuei and the “rolling-cloud” brushwork of Li Ch’eng and Kuo His. The detail on the right is in strong contrast with the watery emptiness on the left. &* 倪端,於明宣宗時,值仁智殿。嘉興人,字文初,工寫眞,兼善山水。 溪濱衰葦疏落,漁人蓑笠攀罾,覺秋浦凝霜,有逼人寒氣。明院派畫大抵皆從南宋院畫出,惟用筆鼓努為力,用墨特多濕筆,變化層次不多,遂有毫釐千里之別,蓋亦一時風氣使然。 &*Netting Fish Ni Tuan (mid-fifteenth century) Ming dynasty Ni Tuan was a painter in the Imperial employ during the Hsüan-te reign (1426-1435). He was a native of Chia-hsing, Chekiang province, and his style name was Wen-ch’u. He was a good painter of portraiture and of landscapes as well. In this painting, reeds spread along a river bank and droop into the water.A fisherman, wearing his bamboo hat and straw raincoat, hauls up his net. Autumn frost has bitten deep into the earthen bank and the icy air assails the fisherman. Ming dynasty academy painting on the whole developed from the Sung academy style. It was characterized by extremely vigorous handling of a brush well loaded with ink; there was little variation in the quality and characteristics of the ink. Although so few differences lead to such great changes in apperance, this was a matter of the style and manner of the age.