石渠寶笈初編﹝御書房﹞,下冊,頁1121&故宮書畫錄﹝卷五﹞,第三冊,頁290&故宮書畫圖錄,第六冊,頁75-76&邊文進,生卒年不詳,福建沙縣人。字景昭。永樂間(西元一四0三-一四二四年)召至京師,授武英殿待詔。宣德間(一四二六-一四三五)仍供事內殿。善畫花果翎毛,為其後呂紀等人所宗法。 本幅成於永樂癸己(一四一三),松、竹、梅三友並植,祥禽百隻,或跳躑;或鼓噪;或飲啄,悉能盡其情態。經營位置錯落有致,設色妍麗,繪製精整,為邊氏傳世之精品。& Pien Wen-chin, a native of Fukien province, was summoned to the court in the Yung-lo era, when he served as Painter-in-Attendance at the Wu-ying Hall. In the Hsüan-te era, he was still active. He excelled at flowers, fruit, birds, and animals. His style served as a model for later artists such as Lü Chi. This painting, done in 1413, represents the Three Friends of Winter-pine, bamboo, and plum blossom. In addition to other plants is the auspicious theme of a hundred birds, which are shown flitting from branch to branch, chirping and jabbering, and foraging for food. Although scattered about the composition, the coloring of each is beautiful and the production exquisite, making this a masterpiece among the surviving works by Pien.