石渠寶笈續編﹝懋勤殿﹞,第七冊,頁3557&*故宮書畫錄﹝卷五﹞,第三冊,頁282&*故宮書畫圖錄,第六冊,頁35-36&*1.李霖燦,〈山水畫中點景人物的斷代研究〉,《故宮季刊》,第十三卷第二期(1978年冬),頁25-40。 &*王紱(西元一三六二—一四一六年),江蘇無錫人。永樂年間,任職文淵閣,官拜中書舍人。繪畫師法元代的倪瓚、王蒙,擅長墨竹和山水題材,是元、明之際,具有承先啟後地位的重要畫家。 本幅畫五名文人雅士,聚集在涼亭裡面談詩論文,神情怡然自得,四周有山川環繞,景致優美如畫。山石樹木的線條,用筆乾渴,洋溢著沉鬱、蒼茫的氣息,很能反映出王紱晚期成熟的風格。&*Wang Fu, a native of Kiangsu province, served in the Wen-yüan-ko library during the Yung-lo era (1403-1424) and held office at court. He followed the styles of the Yüan masters Ni Tsan and Wang Meng and specialized in painting monochrome ink bamboo and landscapes. He was an important transitional artist from the Yüan to Ming dynasties. This painting shows an elegant gathering of 5 scholars in a kiosk having a refined discussion. Their expressions are spirited as the mountains and water surround them for an ideal setting to this lofty occasion. The lines for the mountains and trees, however, were done with dry brushwork for a solemn and archaic effect. This painting well reflects the maturity of Wang Fu’s late style. &*王紱(1362-1416),江蘇無錫人。永樂年間,任職文淵閣,官拜中書舍人。繪畫師法元代的倪瓚、王蒙,擅長墨竹和山水,是元、明之際,具承先啟後地位的重要畫家。 本幅為王紱晚期的代表作,畫五名文人雅士,聚集在涼亭裡面談詩論文,神情怡然自得,四周有山川環繞,景致優美如畫。山石樹木的線條,用筆乾渴,復以濃重的墨筆皴寫點苔,使全作洋溢著沉鬱、蒼茫的氣息。 (20110913)&*Wang Fu, a native of Wuxi in Jiangsu, served in the Wenyuan Pavilion library during the Yongle era and held office at court as Secretariat Drafter. In painting, he followed the styles of the Yuan masters Ni Zan and Wang Meng, specializing in painting monochrome ink bamboo and landscapes. He was an important transitional artist from the late Yuan to the early Ming dynasties. This painting is a representative work of Wang Fu’s late style, showing an elegant gathering of five scholars in a kiosk having a refined discussion. Their expressions are spirited and natural as the mountains and water surround them for an ideal setting to this lofty occasion. The lines for the mountains and trees, however, were done with dry brushwork, which, combined with the dark ink for the texturing moss dots, create for a solemn and hoary effect throughout the painting. (20110913)