石渠寶笈續編(寧壽宮),第五冊,頁2785 &*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁272&*故宮書畫圖錄,第六冊,頁19-20&*徐賁(十四世紀),四川人,居住蘇州。字幼文,號北郭生。累官至河南布政,後以官軍過境,犒勞失時,下獄死。工詩善書,又精於繪畫,山水法董源,時稱「十才子之一」。 層巖重嶂,飛瀑三疊。山村錯落於深窈之中,一人持琴過穚,兩人於松下對談。此幀構圖繁複而不雜亂,用筆溫婉而饒富變化,用墨亦層次分明。據幅右作者款書,知此為徐氏洪武丁丑年(一三九七)之作。&*Studies at Mount Lu Hsü Pen (14th c.) Ming Dynasty Hsü Pen, a native of Szechwan, lived in Soochow. He went on to serve as governor of Honan, but was later jailed and died in prison. Good at poetry, he excelled at calligraphy as well as painting. In landscapes, he followed the style of Tung Yüan and was considered one of the “Ten Talents” of his time. Here, serried ridges and overlapping cliffs are punctuated by three waterfalls. Mountain villages are scattered through the land. A man carrying a lute crosses a bridge in the foreground as two men are seated under pines engaged in conversation. The composition is complex, but not overly chaotic. The brushwork is gentle and varied, while the shading of the ink is clearly rendered. According to the inscription, this work was done in 1397. &* 廬山在今江西省九江縣南,相傳周代匡俗隱居山中,結廬讀書,因此得名為「廬山」,也稱「匡山」,或者合稱為「匡廬」。自宋代以來,廬山千變萬化寫入畫圖,從體現客觀物象的美,到追求筆墨的意趣,展現的深度各有不同。此幅著重於個人心境的投射,作者徐賁(一三三五-一四○三),字幼文,江蘇蘇州人,詩書畫均有造詣,一度隱居蜀山,後回歸仕宦生涯,卻仍在筆墨中寄託隱居的情懷。&*Studying on Mount Lu Hsü Pen (1335-1403) Ming Dynasty Mount Lu (“Thatched Hut”) is in southern Chiu-chiang County, modern Kiangsi. It is said that K’uang Su of the Chou dynasty lived as a recluse there in Taoist cultivation and built a thatched hut for study (hence its name). It is also named K’uang after him or a combination of the two (K’uang-lu). Starting from the Sung (960-1279), its myriad features have been rendered in art, including both the beauty of its forms and the expressiveness of painters, from a variety of perspectives. This work projects the inner world of Hsü Pen, a native of Soocow, Kiangsu. He was gifted in painting, poetry, and calligraphy and for a time lived in reclusion at Mount Shu. He later returned to office but in art often expressed nostalgia for a life of reclusion. &* 徐賁(西元十四世紀),四川人,居住蘇州。字幼文,號北郭生。洪武甲寅年被徵作官,至河南布政。詩寫得好,書法也不錯。楷書尤其清逸;當時人稱之「十才子之一」。 這幅畫山居深窈中,有七個村聚。飛瀑三疊。一人持琴過橋,松樹下兩人對談,懸崖上一人觀瀑。畫山景繁複而不雜,用筆於溫婉中饒富變化,用墨很有層次。愈仔細欣賞,愈發現樹枝的變化及山石的皴染都是很好的。 &*Reading on Mount Lu Hsü Pen (14th century) Ming Dynasty Hsü Pen was a native of Szechwan, but immigrated to Suchow. His style name was Yü-wen, his sobriquet Pei-kuo-sheng. He was promoted to the rank of governor of Honan in 1374. Excelling at poetry and calligraphy, he wrote Kai-shu (regular script) characters with great purity and ease. His contemporaries listed him as one of the Ten Geniuses of his time. The painting depicts a scene deep in the mountains. Visible are seven secluded settlements and three soaring cataracts. A man carrying a lute is crossing a bridge, while two men seated under pines are engaged in conversation. A solitary figure gazes from a precipice at the waterfalls. The mountain scenery is painted with great complexity but no confusion, the brushwork is delicate but with infinite diversity. The ink tones, as well, possess excellent gradations. The careful execution is much to be admired, as are the varied tree branches and the texture strokes on rocks and mountains.