石渠寶笈續編(養心殿),第二冊,頁1070&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁448-449&*故宮書畫圖錄,第九冊,頁167-168&*劉原起,生卒年不詳,約活動於十七世紀前半葉,初名祚,以字行,更字子正,號振之,吳縣(今江蘇蘇州)人,工詩畫,以山水見長。 畫幅中景繪一古井,泉畔立有石碑,上題「寫憨憨泉小景」,所指應是吳中名勝虎丘名泉,小徑蜿蜒,自前景依寒林與矮籬逶迤而上,視點銜接雲霧纏腰的虎丘塔,水墨點染枯葉落盡、樹枝鏤空的雪景,輕靈詩意,頗肖其師錢榖。作於庚午(西元一六三○年)冬日。(20110405)&* Liu Yuanqi (original name Zuo; going by his style name [changed to Zizheng]; sobriquet Zhenzhi) was a native of Wuxian (modern Suzhou, Jiangsu). He was good at poetry and painting, in which he excelled at landscapes. Shown here is an old well, behind which is erected a stone stele inscribed, “Scene of the Ingenuous Spring.” This would suggest the famous spring at Tiger Hill in Suzhou. A small path goes from the wintry forest in the foreground with a fence winding above, the line of sight connecting to Tiger Hill Pagoda emerging at the top. Ink was used to dot and wash the openwork snowy scene of withered branches. The light and spirited lyricism has much of the manner of Liu’s teacher, Qian Gu. This work is dated to a winter day in 1630.(20110405)