石渠寶笈續編(寧壽宮),第五冊,頁2832&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁439-440&*故宮書畫圖錄,第九冊,頁153-154&* 沈士充,生卒不詳,作品見於西元一六一八-一六三四間。字子居,華亭人。出宋懋晉之門,兼師趙左,所作山水,丘壑蒨葱,皴染淹潤。 此幅以枯勁之筆,填札滿幅,布置精當,意在王蒙而自出面目。門前潤水,迴環左右,叢陰蒙羃,更作桂花林於樹隙蕉陰。所謂天香者,蓋指此也。背山巃嵸而起,懸泉挂於其左,為澗水之本源。 &* Shen Shih-ch’ung, whose style-name was Tzu-chu, was a native of Hua-t’ing, Kiangsu. He studied landscape painting with Sung Mou-chin and Chao Tso. His works were known for their lush hills rendered with rich wet washes and texture-strokes. Mountain rapid swirls before a studio door shaded by a thick growth of trees. Cassia flowers bloom everywhere, filling the air with their scent. In the background, hills rise in layers while a waterfall plunges below, forming the source of the stream. Powerful dry brushstrokes fill the painting, creating a most fitting composition. The landscape was intended to be in the style of Wang Meng, but Shen Shih-ch’ung here presents us with something very much in his own style. &* 沈士充,生卒年不詳,作品見於西元一六一八至一六三四年間。字子居,華亭人。出宋懋晉之門,兼師趙左,所作山水,丘壑蒨葱,皴染淹潤。 此幅以枯勁之筆,填札滿幅,布置精當,意在王蒙而自出面目。門前澗水,迴環左右,叢陰蒙羃,更作桂花林於樹隙蕉陰,所謂天香者,蓋指此也。背山巃嵸而起,懸泉挂於其左,為澗水之本源。 (20120103)&* The birth and death dates of Shen Shichong (style name Ziju), a native of Huating, are unknown. He studied landscape painting under Song Maojin and also took Zhao Zuo as his teacher. Shen’s landscapes are known for their lush hills rendered with rich wet washes and texture strokes. Powerfully dry brushstrokes fill this painting, creating a most fitting composition. The landscape was intended to be in the style of the Yuan master Wang Meng but reveals Shen’s own instead. Mountain rapid swirls before a studio door shaded by a thick growth of trees. Cassia flowers bloom everywhere, filling the air with their scent. In the background, hills rise in layers while a waterfall plunges below to its left, forming the source of the stream. (20120103)