石渠寶笈續編(重華宮),第三冊,頁1632&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁430-431&*故宮書畫圖錄,第八冊,頁169-170&* 宋旭,明萬曆間浙江嘉興人。字初暘,號石門。後為僧,法名祖玄,又號天池髮僧、景西居士。善山水,師法沈石田。山石樹木,蒼勁古拙,兼長人物。 隔水牆院,一橋直達垣扉,茅屋數椽,梅柳繞居。虛堂中,長者倚案,童子捧壼。爐中正自煖酒,庭中則群兒嬉樂,屋外有客來訪,熙熙然蓋狀年景耳。 &* Sung Hsü was active during the period 1573-1619 of the Ming dynasty. He was a native of Chia-hsing in Chekiang. His style name was Ch’u-yang and his sobriquet was Shih-men. When he became a monk his Buddhist name was Tsu-hsüan and he added another two sobriquets T’ien-chih fa-shang and Ching-his chu-jen. He was a good painter of landscapes, modelling himself on Shen Chou. His mountains, rock, and trees all have an unmannered vigour about them. He was particularly good at painting figures. This painting shows a stretch of water over which the crowded gables of a mansion and courtyard can be seen. A bridge leads to the door and plum and willow trees wind them-selves around the walls. An old man sits on a bench in an inner room whilst a boy proffers a tea-pot. Wine is heating in a stove. In the courtyard a band of happy children play. Outside the house guests arrive to pay a call. The whole picture shows a splendidly bright scene of prosperity.