石渠寶笈三編(御書房),第七冊,頁3116&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁400&*故宮書畫圖錄,第七冊,頁231-232&* 陳淳(西元一四八三-一五四四年),江蘇長洲人。字道復,後來以道復而聞名,改字復甫,號白陽山人。道復才華很高,曾跟文徵明學畫,極得文徵明的讚許。 湖石後衆花齊開,有梔子、玫瑰、百合、石竹、紅丹等五種。花卉以沒骨筆法描繪,梔子、百合這些白花朵則揉鈎花點葉法來表現。設色溫雅不俗,畫出庭園花草秀發叢生,幽馨可掬的感覺。 &* Ch’en Ch’un (style names Tao-fu and Fu-fu, sobriquet Pai-yang shan-jen) was a native of Ch’ang-chou, Kiangsu. Endowed with great natural ability, Ch’en Ch’un studied painting with Wen Cheng-ming (1470-1559) and received his praise. Behind the ornamental rock, all the flowers have burst in bloom. There are five kinds of summer flowers: gardenias, roses, lilies, carnations, and red peonies. The flowers were painted with the mo-ku, “boneless” method. The white lilies were outlined while the leaves were dotted. The coloring is elegant. The beauty is lifelike, and one can grasp the flowers’ subtle fragrance. &* 此幅用筆、設色均極為精緻,自題詩云:「溽暑薰蒸苦晝長。葛巾葵扇竹匡牀。花陰水氣相撩處。可有人間白玉堂。道復」。所畫乃溽暑季節,群芳爭艷的景色。 湖石後衆花齊開,有梔子、玫瑰、百合、石竹、紅丹等五種。花卉以沒骨筆法描繪,梔子、百合這些白花朵則揉鈎花點葉法來表現。景物安排費心,設色溫雅不俗,有別於晚年放筆寫意的習慣,應是五十歲以前的作品。(20100105)&* The brushwork and coloring here are quite refined. In the poem, Chen wrote that despite the summer heat that makes days seem long, blossoms burst forth in colors so that the heat is bearable. Thus, we know that Chen has depicted here a scene of flowers on a hot summer day. Behind the garden lake rock is a cluster of 5 different flowering plants, including the jasmine, rose, lily, carnation, and red ixora. The flowers were done in the “boneless” wash method, with the white jasmine and lily in hooked outlines. The delicately arranged scene features elegantly warm colors that differ from the “sketching ideas” style of unbridled brushwork that Chen customarily used in his later years, suggesting that this work is probably from before the age of 50.(20100105)