故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁499-500&*故宮書畫圖錄,第九冊,頁15-16&* 張元士,年里事蹟待考。 張元士名上署支峯字,幅下又有張氏叔上印,似叔上為元士之字,支峰則或為地名或為別署不可知。其画筆墨秀挺之甚,水仙有趙子固遺風,而畫傳不載其姓字,可謂野有遺賢矣。此幅作於隆慶壬申,幅上有長跋,書法頗近文休承,支峯或卽支硎山,若是則亦當為吳人耶。 &* No biographical data are known about this artist. Above Chang’s signature, there are the two characters “Chih Feng.” At the bottom left hand comer, there is a 5-character seal reading “Chang –shih Shu-shang Yin.” It may be that “Shu-shang” was Chang’s style name, “Chih Feng” either a place name or, perhaps, the painter’s sobriquet. The brushwork in the painting is most refined and firm. The narcissus remind one of those by Chao Meng-chien (fl. 1226-1290). It is a pity that no literary record of such a talent as Chang Yüan-shih’s is known. Such is the case of ‘the virtuous who live in the wilderness.’ The long colophon by the artist, which states that this work was finished in 1572, shows the influence of calligraphy by Wen Chia (1500-1582). The ambiguous “Chih Feng” might be the Chih-hsing Mountain in the region of Soochow, in which case the painter shared in common the same native place with Wen Chia.