石渠寶笈三編(乾清宮),第二冊,頁581&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁486-487&*故宮書畫圖錄,第九冊,頁231-232&*1.王耀庭,〈明崔子忠雲中雞犬〉,收入王耀庭、童文娥編,《長生的世界:道教繪畫特展圖錄》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1996年初版),頁76-77。 2.〈明崔子忠雲中雞犬〉,收入國立故宮博物院編,《晚明變形主義畫家作品展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1977年九月初版),頁420。 3.本社,〈明崔子忠雲中雞犬圖〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第23期(1985年2月),封底。 4.陳階晉,〈「天子之寶 — 台北國立故宮博物院的收藏」展品系列(四) — 繪畫〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第247期(2003年10月),頁45。 &*崔子忠,明代晚期知名畫家。初名丹,字開予,改名子忠,字道母,號青蚓(一作青引)。山東省萊陽人,寓順天府(今北京)。曾遊董其昌之門,李自成攻克北京後,絕食而死。擅畫人物,名重當時,與陳洪綬並有“南陳北崔”之稱。此幅畫描繪許真人騎牛,攜帶家眷和牲口,一齊遷往仙境的情景。按,許真人名遜,字敬之,晉朝汝南人。曾當過旌陽令,後來因為世亂而歸隱鄉野。道教傳說,他於135歲時,在洪州西山,帶領家人42口連同雞犬,一齊飛昇而去。於是後人遂有將把雞犬升天,喻作一人得志,全家獲福的說法。崔子忠畫山水人物,雋逸高古,別開生面,與完全摹古的作品大不相同,創造了新的表現技法。此幅用筆設色,皆以雅秀為尚,人物描寫傳神,間或施加硃砂、石青等重色,越顯典麗超凡,頗有裝飾效果。(陳階晉) &* 崔子忠(?-西元一六四四年),山東萊陽人,占籍順天(今北平)。字道母,號北海,又號青蚓。善畫人物,與陳洪綬齊名,號稱南陳北崔。甲申年(西元一六四四)清人入主中原後,他便隱入土室中,餓死在那裡面。 這幅畫描繪著許眞人騎牛,攜帶家眷牲口,遷往仙境的情景。按許眞人名遜,字敬之,晉朝汝南人。曾當過旌陽令,後來因世亂而歸隱。寧康初年在洪州西山,許眞人與家人連同雞犬,一齊飛昇而去。 &*Ts’ui Tzu-chung was a native of Shantung who adopted Peking as his home. He was a highly learned and patriotic man. When the Ming court fell to the Manchus in 1644, Ts’ui secluded himself in a mud hut and chose to starve to death rather than to survive under the new regime. He excelled at painting figures, and his fame rivals that of his contemporary, Ch’en Hung-shou. The painting depicts the story of Hsü Hsün, a magistrate of the Chin dynasty (265-420) who chose to retreat into reclusion rather than sully himself amid the civil strife of the period. It is said that in the early years of the Ning-kang reign (373-375), Hsü and his entire household of 42 members, complete with dogs and chickens, ascended into the clouds and were transformed into Taoist immortals. Ts’ui’s style possesses a unique, almost eccentric quality.