石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁1145&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁472-473&*故宮書畫圖錄,第八冊,頁377-378&* 張宏字君度,號鶴澗,江蘇吳縣人。生於萬曆五年(一五七七),至清康熙七年(一六六八),已九十一歲尚健在。善山水、人物、兼工花卉。 張氏仿陸治之筆意寫生花卉。山茶橫出畫面,強調懸伸之姿,水仙、坡土順應其勢,添於右下角,布局簡雅,皴筆蒼秀。畫成於天 丙寅(一六二六)季冬。 &* Chang Hung, a native of Suchou, Kiangsu, was skilled at both landscape and figure paintings, and also excelled in flower and bird painting. In this picture, Chang Hung imitated Lu Chih’s style in painting the flowers from life. A branch of camellias stretchs out horizontally across the picture plane, providing a vigorous atmosphere to the painting. With this branch, the slope of land and the narcissus at the bottom right form a simple but elegant composition. According to the date on the picture, this painting was finished in the late winter of 1626. &* 張宏(1577-約1652),字君度,號鶴澗,江蘇吳縣人。善山水、人物、兼工花卉。 自題仿陸治筆意,成畫於明熹宗天啟六年(1626)冬季,正值山茶、水仙盛放季節,應是對景寫生之作。作者時年五十歲,畫風已趨純熟,用筆蒼秀並蓄,用色淳厚有古意。屬小景式構圖方式,特別安排山茶以橫出的姿態,向畫左延伸至坡石外,有懸伸的感覺,水仙、坡石的走向也順應其勢,頗具巧思。(20110102)&* Zhang Hong (style name Jundu, sobriquet Hejian) was a native of Wuxian, Jiangsu. He excelled at painting landscapes and figures, doing flower subjects as well. The artist’s inscription on this painting, dated to the winter of 1626, mentions imitating the brush manner of Lu Zhi (1496-1576). Depicted here is a scene “sketched from life” for the season when camellia and narcissus come into bloom. At the time, the artist was fifty years old by Chinese reckoning, so the painting style already tends to be more mature. The brushwork is elegantly practiced and reserved, the coloring pure with a touch of archaism. The composition belongs to the “intimate scenery” type of flower painting composition. The camellia has been especially portrayed as extending horizontally from the slope on the right, seemingly suspended in the air above the area at the left. The direction of the narcissus and slope follow along in an ingenious arrangement by the artist.(20110102)&*1.〈明 張宏 仿陸治茶花水仙〉,收入譚怡令、劉芳如、林莉娜主編,《滿庭芳 歷代花卉名品特展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2010年十二月初版一刷),頁94。