石渠寶笈續編(御書房),第四冊,頁2086&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁471-472&*故宮書畫圖錄,第八冊,頁373-374&*1.許郭璜,〈「天子之寶 — 台北國立故宮博物院的收藏」展品系列(四) — 繪畫〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第247期(2003年10月),頁42。 &*張宏(1577-1668年後),字君度,號鶴澗。江蘇蘇州人。工畫山水,用短促的筆法和濕潤的墨色畫山石樹木,風格獨具特色,構圖也常有新意。此外他也擅長人物寫真。岡巒挺立,層層起伏;溪澗湍急,林陰茂密。山徑蜿蜒而上,將峻峰林木連成一氣。點畫竹林,筆墨濃淡乾濕相間,產生光影浮動的效果,表現出炎炎夏日的氣氛。畫成於萬曆四十一年(1613),時作者三十七歲。青壯之年,筆墨即甚為純熟,其成就為時人所推崇。此圖是畫位在浙江省長興縣境的石屑山,出於實景觀照,畫家心領意會,取山川精華,以靈動的筆墨描繪圖成。本幅畫贈君俞先生,君俞姓唐,晉陵人(江蘇武進),與董其昌也有交往,在天啟三年(1623)時,將自己珍藏的王蒙〈谷口春耕〉圖(此圖現藏本院),贈與董其昌。(許郭璜) &*張宏(西元一五七七-一六六八年後),吳郡(今江蘇蘇州)人。字君度,號鶴間。工畫山水,吳之學者尊崇之。筆墨古拙,墨法濕潤,人物寫眞,亦所擅長。 峻峰挺立,溪澗湍急,林蔭鬱茂,山徑蜿蜒而上,使畫幅上下連成一氣。全圖用筆工細,構景繁複。竹林的筆墨濃淡乾濕相間,產生光影浮動的效果,將炎炎夏日的氣氛盡表無遺。石屑山位於浙江省長興縣。 &*Chang Hung (style name was Chün-tu, sobriquet Ho-chien), a native of Suchou in Kiangsu, was skilled in landscape painting. Many scholars in the Wu region admired him. His brushwork had a simple and archaic quality, and he used moist, fluid ink. He was also an accomplished painter of figures and portraits. In this painting, a towering peak rises up as a stream rushes down a valley covered with luxuriant trees and foliage. A path winds through the mountains. These tightly composed elements link the upper and lower parts of the painting together. Chang Hung’s brushwork is meticulous and very fine. In the bamboo forest, the variation in ink between light and dark and wet and dry creates an impression of a light, airy quality, much like the atmosphere of a summer day. Mt. Shih-hsieh is located in Ch’ang-hsing county of Chekiang province.