石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),下冊,頁1756&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁297&*故宮書畫圖錄,第六冊,頁127-128&*1.〈明周文靖雪夜訪戴〉,收入陳階晉、賴毓芝主編,《追索浙派》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2008年初版一刷),頁173。 &* 周文靖(西元十五世紀),福建閩縣(莆田)人。山水學夏圭、吳鎮,蒼潤精密,筆力古健,醞釀墨色,各臻其妙。宣德間以陰陽訓術徵入仁智殿,御試「枯木寒鴉」第一,授命為大庾縣典史,歷官掌禮儀的鴻臚寺序班。 此圖描寫東晉名士王徽之夜裡夢醒,見月色皎潔興致突生,遂趨船造訪好友戴逵。然抵達之後,又打消念頭而折回,或曰:「乘興而來,盡興而返。」為明代歷史人物故事畫之佳例。此幅構圖繼承南宋馬、夏特色,卻較之概括簡約,而其瀟灑放逸之筆法,則近似元人風格。 &*Visiting Tai K’uei on an Snowy Night Chou Wen-ching (fl. 1426-1435) Ming Dynasty Chou Wen-ching was a native of P’u-t’ien, Fukien. During the Hsüan-te reign (1426-1435) he entered the Imperial Painting Academy. He won first prize from the Emperor for his rendering of winter ducks and withered trees. His landscapes are archaic, rich in ink, with compact compositions. He also excelled in painting figures, flowers, bamboo, rocks, birds, beasts and architecture. This painting depicts a popular anecdote about Wang Hui-chih, the son of the Chin calligrapher Wang His-chih (321-379). In the clear moonlight after a heavy snowfall, Wang Hui-chih awoke and thought of visiting his good friend Tai K’uei. He got into a small boat and rowed the icy streams to his friend’ cottage. On reaching the bank, however, he no longer had the impulse to visit Tai, so turned around and went home. The brush was wielded with archaic and pungent strength, while the use of washes is especially fine. &* 周文靖,福建莆田人,宣德年間(西元一四二六至一四三五)為仁智殿畫官,曾描繪「枯木寒鴉」這個試題得到第一名。擅長山水,兼能人物、花鳥、樓台等。 溪岸枯木,枝枒錯雜,積雪渾厚,有著凜冽的寒意。一艘小船戴客行駛於溪上,船中微露著燭光,夜色已深。這就是描繪晉朝王徽之,有一次在大雪初停的夜裡,突然興起了拜訪戴逵的念頭,於是乘坐小船往剡(今浙江嵊縣附近)訪戴的故事。