石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁1132&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁422-423&*故宮書畫圖錄,第八冊,頁143-144&* 徐渭(西元一五二一-一五九三),山陰人,字文長,號天池,又號青藤道人。性情好奇,曾簽名曰田水月。工詩善古文辭。書法寫得好,行草尤為人所推崇。中年學畫花卉。用筆瀟灑,天才橫溢。人物極其生動。山水不拘規矩。自己認為書第一,詩第二,文章第三,畫第四,學者們都表贊同。 這幅墨荷,筆墨很好。詩中自題:「茨菰葉碧蓼花白,菱子稍黃蓮子青。最是秋深此時節,西施照影立娉婷。」書畫相輝映。 &*Lotus Hsü Wei (1521-1593) Ming dynasty Hsü Wei was a native of Shan-yin, Chekiang. His tzu (style name) was Wen-ch’ang, his hao (sobriquets) T’ien-chih and Ch’ing-t’eng-too-jen. His disposition was very strange, and he often signed his name T’ien-shui-yüeh (Field-water-moon, a pun on the character representing his surname). He was good at both poetry and prose, and his calligraphy was very beautiful His semi-cursive script aroused particular admiration. In his middle years he began to paint flowers and plants. His brushwork is casual and refined, brimming with natural talent. His figures are extremely lively, his landscapes unrestrained by convention. He considered his calligraphy his best accomplishment, his poetry second, his essays third, and his painting fourth. Most scholars agree with his own assessment of his talents. The brushwork in this ink lotus is excellent. The inscription reads, “Water plants of various kinds, in emerald green, yellow and white, and a lotus of deep blue-green. In the maturity of the autumn season, they are as elegant and graceful as a shadow cast by the ancient beauty, Hsi-shih.” The calligraphy and painting in this work possess the same brilliance of visual effect as the images evoked by the poem.