石渠寶笈續編(御書房),第四冊,頁1948&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁115-116&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二冊,頁293-294&*寒山雪積,村肆沿溪而設,長橋跨岸,旅人、牛、馬絡繹於途,木筏順流結集,一派趕集景致。遠景幽壑,樓台掩映,寒鴉成陣,匝繞盤旋,通幅於熱鬧中不失雪天陰寒之氣息。屋宇、舟車、拱橋,俱以界筆出之,線條略呈釘頭鼠尾,有別於傳統界畫。近景人物,五官、表情歷歷可辨,愈遠則愈簡,屋宇、林木亦然,深合近大遠小之理。&*In the cold, travelers with herds of cattle and horses crowd the village market along the river. The business is further intensified by the hustle on the long bridge and the rafts floating down the river as well. However, the distant view of lofty snow-capped mountains, half-concealed buildings, and flocks of birds flying in the grey sky reveal the bleakness of such a winter day. The buildings, the carts and the arched bridge are all drawn in "nail-head and rat's tail "lines which differ from the traditional architectural paintings in straight lines drawn with the aid of a ruler. The figures in the near are carefully depicted so that their faces and expressions are clearly seen. But, the farther the objects are the simpler they are represented so as to be in accordance with the perspective principle. The buildings and the trees are also painted accordingly.