秘殿珠林三編(乾清宮),頁66 &*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁64 &*故宮書畫圖錄,第四冊,頁33-34 &*據傳達摩為中國禪宗始祖,本為印度王子,南北朝時泛海至中國傳法,曾於嵩山少林寺面壁十年,深受國人崇仰。 松蔭下,達摩身披紅色袈裟,手捻白花,趺坐於石上,神情怡然。年款雖為至元二十九年(一二九二),然畫法細碎,近於吳門畫派末流,當是後人仿本。 趙孟頫(一二五四—一三二二),字子昂,號松雪道人。詩文清遠,書畫為後世所宗。&*Bodhidharma (?-536) was the son of an Indian king. He is said to have traveled by boat to China in the Northern and Southern Dynasties and have spent 10 years meditating in front of a cliff at the Shao-lin monastery. He is revered in the Far East. Here, Bodhidharma sits in the shade of evergreen trees wearing a red robe. He holds a white blossom and sits at ease cross-legged on a rock. Although the inscription to the right dates this work to 1292, the careful style of painting appears closer to that of a late Wu School painter, making this a later imitation of Chao's work. Chao, a member of the Sung imperial clan, went on to serve the Yüan. Known for his elegant writing, his painting and calligraphy also became models for later generations.