故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁65&*故宮書畫圖錄,第四冊,頁233-234&*唐棣(西元一二九六至一三六四年),元吳興(今浙江湖州)人。善畫山水,師郭熙,又曾師承趙孟頫,得其華潤森鬱之趣。 本幅山石以小青綠出之,近景屋宇臺階則以界畫表達,技巧純熟而工整。桌椅車輪以紅色朱砂漬染,與山石的青綠相互映發,頗具古雅之趣。&*T'ang Ti, style name Tzu-hua, was a native of Wu-hsing (modern Huchow, Chekiang). He specialized in landscapes and followed the styles of Kuo Hsi (fl. 1068-1077) and Chao Meng-fu (1254-1322), recapturing the serenity and majesty of these masters' works. This painting depicts a small, green hillock on a mountainside. The dwelling and porch in the foreground were painted using the ruled line method. The tables, chairs, and wheels were all colored with reddish washes, providing a contrast to the green of the mountains and rocks. T'ang Ti used skill and care in painting this landscape, which embodies the spirit of archaic elegance.