石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第四冊,頁1602 &*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁65 &*故宮書畫圖錄,第四冊,頁211-212&*朱德潤字澤民,睢陽(今河南商丘)人,生於至元三一年(西元一二九四),死於至正二五年(西元一三六五)。他擅長於山水、人物也畫得不錯。 這一幅描繪兩名士人帶著一名童子,在松林?漫步悠遊。遠方是重疊的山巒,山谷中有樓閣隱約可見。一道山泉從山峰高處順流而下,且穿通松林,使整幅畫能上下一氣相連。用筆穩重沉著,山石,叢林的寫形和用墨有圓渾厚重的惑覺。&*Chu Te-jun (tzu Tse-min) was a native of Sui-yang (the modern-day Shang-ch'iu) in Honan province. He is most famous for his landscapes but was a competent figure painter as well. This hanging scroll represents two scholars followed by a young boy strolling slowly through a pine forest. Repeated ridges of mountains rise in the distance; towers and pavilions can be seen concealed among them. A waterfall cascades from the highest peaks and flows through the pine forest, connecting the upper and lower areas of the painting. The use of the brush is firm and strong, and the application of ink and technique of drawing the mountains , rocks , and trees are round, full, and rich.