故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁66&*故宮書畫圖錄,第四冊,頁103-104&*1.陳韻如,〈傳元黃公望巖壑幽居圖〉,收入何傳馨主編,《山水合璧:黃公望與富春山居圖特展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2011年五月初版一刷),頁357。&*依款題此作為黃公望於至正九年(1349),為孫元璘所作,與另一展件〈層岩曲澗〉款題紀年與受畫者相同。孫元璘似乎是至正年間與黃公望友朋圈往來頗密的人物,陶宗儀《輟耕錄》有此人觀星象的簡短記錄。 此作構圖與〈層岩曲澗〉雷同,然更顯狹長,並簡省許多細節。其畫風受正統派影響似不強烈,反有以類沈周風格重組原作之感,推測亦為明末清初時的臨仿之作。 (20110609)&*The signature on this painting, suggesting it was done by Huang Gongwang in 1349 for Sun Yuanlin, is identical in terms of date and recipient with that of another painting on display, “Layered Rocks and Winding Ravines.” It appears that Sun Yuanlin was a person in Huang Gongwang’s circle of friends with whom he had frequent contact during the Zhizheng era (1341-1368). Tao Zongyi’s Record in Leisure from Tilling also features a short account of this person’s views on astronomy. The composition of this painting is identical to “Layered Rocks and Winding Ravines,” being even narrower and much more simplified in detail. The influence from the Orthodox School is not emphasized, being instead closer to a recombination of elements from Shen Zhou’s style and thus suggesting an imitation of the late Ming or early Qing period. (20110609)