故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁36&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十七冊,頁153-156&* 本幅描繪文士們於山水中或垂釣、或會友、或讀書等,一派隱居山水的情調。房舍與庭園等細節有明代吳派繪畫遺韻,然山體更講究走勢,苔點密佈於山稜線以模塑山體量感,應為十七世紀以後受董其昌畫風與理論影響的作品。此種青綠設色與皴染並用的作品常歸於趙孟頫名下,為明代中後期發展趙孟頫青綠風格的成果。(20100710)&* This painting shows several scholars in a landscape either fishing, meeting with friends, or studying, making this much like a realm of reclusion. Details of the buildings and courtyard reveal traces of Wu School painting, and the landforms tend to emphasize fastidiousness, the moss dots spread over the ridgelines to model and give weight to the land. Thus, this is probably a post-17th-century work influenced by the painting theory and style of Dong Qichang (1555-1636). This kind of combination of blue-and-green coloring with texture washes is often attributed to the famous Yuan dynasty painter Zhao Mengfu, it being the result of mid- to late-Ming dynasty developments in the Zhao blue-and-green manner.(20100710)