石渠寶笈初編(養心殿),上冊,頁669 &*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁252 &*故宮書畫圖錄,第五冊,頁147-148 &*大雨傾盆,江濤洶湧,漁船停歇岸邊,鵜鶘棲息船竿上。松下茅屋有人憑欄舉目遠望,對岸景色盡在煙雨中,屋宇、柳林隱約可見。夏日煙雨景緻,以大排筆刷成。風雨激起波浪,人物冒雨迎風之情,表現極是生動。&*A rainstorm sweeps over a river as fishermen have hauled in their nets to seek shelter, huddling in their boats along the banks. Fishing cormorants perch on the canopies of boats and along the poles. In a pavilion with a thatched roof underneath the pines sits a man on a low stool gazing over the railing and into the distance. In the background, a couple buildings, some willows, and a mountainside appear through the mist. Approaching from the right is a ferry boat bringing a guest through the rain to the pavilion. The work captures the essence of a summer rainstorm, and the effects of wind and rain are suggested quite effectively.