石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第四冊,頁1638&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁69&*故宮書畫圖錄,第五冊,頁41-42&*袁安為東漢汝南人,字邵公。任官河南尹,慈愛為政。畫中緋衣騎馬者是洛陽令,大雪時出巡,至袁安家,見門前雪並不掃除,鄰人以袁已死,就令人叩門進入。袁安僵臥在家,問他何不出門。回答:大雪時,眾人皆餓,不宜勞煩別人。洛陽令認為他是賢人,舉薦他為孝廉。 本幅款題盛懋所畫,但畫法已是明人學他的風格,而加以改變者。盛懋(約十四世紀前期)杭州人,字子昭。&*Yüan An lived during the Eastern Han. Serving as Governor of Honan, he was known for his humble nature. The official on horseback here is the Director of Lo-yang out on an inspection tour after a snowstorm. Passing by Yüan An's home, he noticed the snow had not been removed. Fearing that something had happened, a person was ordered to enter and Yüan An was found lying there. When asked why he had not gone out, he answered, "I did not wish to burden the people even more during such a snowstorm." The official considered him a sage and recommended him as Filial and Incorrupt. Although this work bears a Sheng Mou signature, the style is obviously Ming (1368-1644) in date and the signature a later addition.