石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第四冊,頁1639 &*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁69&*故宮書畫圖錄,第五冊,頁55-56&*盛懋(約活動於西元十四世紀),字子昭,浙江杭州人。其生平不詳,早年可能跟身為職業畫家的父親盛洪學畫,後來師事陳琳,技巧精熟,有明顯的個人風格。沿溪兩岸,松林掩映,枝葉條暢,水閣亭榭間,文人雅士悠閒的倚坐休憩,或駐足交談。遠山蒼潤,苔點茂密,山際白雲縈迴繚繞,烘托出一幅清朗怡人的夏日山景,然用筆稍弱,恐屬盛懋一系畫家之作。&*Sheng Mao (style name Tzu-chao) was a native of Hangchow, Chekiang. Though his birth and death dates are unknown, his father Sheng Hung was also a noted artist. In addition to learning from his father, Sheng Mao later studied under Ch'en Lin (ca.1260-1320). Shen's style was refined and practiced in a manner all his own. Along both banks of a stream grows a stretch of pine trees. Groups of gentlemen have convened in a leisurely meeting among the pavilions; some are seated and resting, while others stand chatting on the path. The distant mountains are surrounded by floating white clouds and covered with dense, moist foliage dots. The atmosphere is that of a pleasant summer mountain landscape. Although this painting belongs to the tradition associated with the style of Sheng Mao, the brushwork is slightly weaker.&*1.何傳馨,〈元盛懋溪山清夏圖〉,收入何傳馨、許郭璜編,《夏景山水畫特展圖錄》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1991年七月初版),頁97。