石渠寶笈初編(養心殿),上冊,頁659 &*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁190 &*故宮書畫圖錄,第四冊,頁119-120 &*1.陳韻如,〈薩都刺嚴陵釣臺圖〉,收入石守謙、葛婉章主編,《大汗的世紀:蒙元時代的多元文化與藝術》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2001年初版),頁313-314。 2.陳韻如,〈大汗的世紀 薩都刺嚴陵釣臺圖〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第223期(2001年10月),頁23-24。 &*薩都剌(西元一二七二—一三四O年),回回人,字天錫,號直齋,居雁門。官至河北廉訪經歷。善詩文,文辭健雄,詩曲流麗清婉,兼善書畫,然作品不多見。 此幅蓋寫富春江嚴陵釣魚臺,巉磯雜亂,巨松偃仰,屋宇次列於石後,檣影互出於傍岸,危巖聳立,盤道直上,釣台在望。下眺橫江澄碧,孤舟輕蕩,一派江山勝景,發人遐思。&*Sa-tu-la (style name T'ien-hsi; sobriquet Chih-chai) who lived at Yen-men in Shansi province was of Uighur extraction and held a minor government post in Hopei. He had a good literary talent, writing powerful prose and poetry that had purity and elegance. He was also a good artist, but his works are nowadays seldom seen. This painting depicts an angling spot at Yen-ling on the Fu-ch'un River. Cliffs and crags cluster precipitously, a great pine trees bow down and bend back. Small huts half hide behind rocks and a muster of boat masts rises above the bank. A steep path climbs up to the terrace, where a pavilion gazes out over the broad river, while a single skiff drifts below.