內容摘要說明:After dinner Giam and Kan' went will we on the launch up to Bang-kah. We were not in the chapel very long until Mr. Tasaka came in and then hurried a way for Mr. H. Hosokawa a Japanese Missionary. Bang-kah In the eve' at 7 p. m. 14 Japanese met for worship with us. The building was full of Chinese. I held a Chinese service first' than Mr. Hosokawa addressed the japs in their own language and I afterwards spoke in English he interpreted. I dwelt briefly on two points [?.]Loyalty to their Emperor and loyalty to Jesus St. Mr. Hosokawa then spoke in English and I interpreted to the Chinese. Kan' sang a hymn in English and we closed a grand meeting by singing our 40th hymn to a Pi-po-hoan tune.