內容摘要說明: We all went up the river in 4 rapid boats to Tva-tiu-tia. At 10 a.m. 200 people assembled. I spoke PS.95:3 "For the Lord is a great God' and a great King above all gods"' marked attention…Teng-chheng (Siu-tsai) then spoke on Mat. 11:28…There was another "Siu-tsai" there and he is one of our people all were delighted. Bap. six…The crowd arose went outside and 130 communicants sat down at the Lord's Table…The whole inside was one sea of heads…Children sat on the platform around my feet until inside the wall there was not a foot of unoccupied ground…We came out here and had an eve. meeting in Oxford Col. …A Corean present. Corean with us.