內容摘要說明:Mrs. Mac. Children' women from the Girl's School and students from Col. left at 7 a.m. for Pak-tau. We arrived at 9 a.m. The chapel was packed full…25 Pi-po-hoan women and Girl's were there. All brought in by the preachers wife who is of the same race… At 1 p.m. all again assembled and filled the house…A tree in front was loaded with men and boys. They could see and hear because the front was all open being formerly a shop…I asked Jim who was once a Tauist priest to speak because the Lun-a-teng People were there-Beng-tsu a Pi-po-hoan from Kap-tsu-lan and Teng-chheng(B.A)Sui-tsai) also Pi-po-hoan from Sin-Kang spoke because their kinsfolk were there…Tan Ban' a Chinaman spoke because Chinese were there…Also I got four(4) Pi-po-hoan women from Kap-tsu-lan now in the Girl's School stand up and sing their own race were present and six(6) Chinese women and Girl's from here to sing several hymns to let Chinese women see and hear their own people who have ceased worship idols…I then spoke on Josh. 24:15 and asked if any present this day chose Jehovah as their God to stand up…25 women and a number of men sprang to their feet… Still we did not baptize any…Between 30 and 40 assemble every Sabbath. Ten being women…three(3) can read the Bible in Romanized Col. and 20 can repeat and sing as many hymns…We returned in the eve.