內容摘要說明:Slept little last night…Read Bartlott's Diaries and letters for two hours…what unfortunate expedition! The Sa-kak-eng men came to the Col. just as I got through speaking on Christ our King…I told them to select a hymn and sing. At once the oldest amongst them' being years age struck up "I'm not ashamed to own my Lord". It was inspiring to see their faces and hear their voices…The students were impressed and soon joined them in making Oxford Col. Hall ring. Sin-tiam and Tho-a-hng preachers here for medicines…In Hos. spent two hours…Col. at 2 p.m. taught our children an hours…A Hoa came in a chair and sat several hours…Gave medi. twice to all in Girl's School…A number are quite unwell…Spoke again on Christ's humiliation' wonderful! O Mighty Savior! O Glorious Redeemer! Thy name is great in all the universe…A very interesting eve. meeting…Sang for two hours. Gold specimens bit me