內容摘要說明:Rain last night also this morning…Reckoned accounts with Aminoff at 7 and 8 a.m. Gave medicines to the sick in Col. and Girl's School. Some are down now and again with Mala. fever; some Chronic Bronchitis. Others a Typho-Mala. fever. Etc. Give two doses a day of Ipec.' Bromide of potass and tiucl geut…Hos. at noon Dr. Rennie came just after I got through…Also a Mr. Reid Engineer and Mr. Tom of the "Fukien"' All went round to Dr. R's house for a few minutes…Afternoon heavy rain drilled an hour on singing in the Girl's School…Mr. Reid and son called at 5 p.m. The son is fresh from home…Poor lad he will see much in this dark' heathen land. Oxford Col.