內容摘要說明:Rose early and began work. Taught several hours. Went to Hos. Dr. R. and Cap. Hall there…A large number in Col. and School down delirious with fever. Busy all day long. At eve. meeting Go' Thoan-to and Tan He' spoke about the time when they worship idols etc. The former told of many false reports regarding myself and work such as:…I the foreign devil went about with medicated powders to put in books' water' cakes etc. If people then saw' smelt or ate such the "Chhit-khong Liw-hiet"' "blood flowing mouth and nose" 7 openings: mouth' 2 eyes' 2 ears and 2 nostrils. By request told about coming here. Go' Thoan-to' the preacher Go told us how he acted when I first gave him a Bible to look at. He opened it to let the powder fall out with eyes up lifted so as not to be influenced' then gradually gained courage to look at the characters. A neighbor woman put her large pot of water under the bed lest I might poison it.