內容摘要說明:Went at 6 a.m. to see Jamieson. He was conscious and sat up though weak. I said "Are you able to think of our home' our eternal home above?" O yes I mustn't lose that' anything else I don't care about' but my home I mustn't lose. O no." To Mrs. J. he said "well' well' I must leave you' after all the care day and night you did everything for me during all these years' O dear how you were anxious for me' for my health' for my success anxious for the Lord's work' etc." Dr. R. came at 10 a.m. took the children over to sing' he asked them to sing hymn 45' then 41. Told me again how happy he was thinking of eternal home. When asked to mention anything he wd like done' he cried and said "well' well and after all you did for me in the past. Your kindness never ceases." Called at noon again then went to the Hos. …Extr. 5 teeth for chief engineer of "Fukien". Dr. Rennie put him under chloroform…Saw Jamieson on coming back. Conscious but weak…I referred to our eternal home and he was quite satisfactory. Went over at 6 p.m. and remained till near midnight. Mr. Crichton' Mrs. M. and Dr. Rennie were there. The children sang again for him' and he was so pleased…unconscious from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m.