內容摘要說明:Had heavy rain all night. The Jamieson's' Aminoff' Preachers' Students and children from the Girl's School --Mrs. Mackay and our three children went on board the steam launch at 8 A.M. and proceeded up the river to Tsui-tng-kha where we arrived at 2 P.M. about half way the weather became fair. A great crowd stood on the bank waiting our arrival-- After dinner of which all were in much need we began service in the New Chapel. The order of the speakers was as below: Li-kui Ps. 26: 3. Li- kiong 1st Cor. 1: 1-9. Lien Prov. 1:7. Tsun-sim Ps. 119: 105. Leng. Ephe. 5:14. Sun-a John 1:1. Thiam kui Ephe. 4: 23. Le Bok-su Ps. 122:1 Tan He' Ps. 42:11 Giam and lastly I spoke for 20 minutes on 1 Chron. 28:15 last clause. Then we extracted teeth and boarded the Launch. We came home quicker on account of the freshet being with us' still we were on the way till 10 P.M. when all safely got home after being up since 6 A.M. thus macking 16 hours-- Many hymns were sung going and coming and on the way back sat down with Jamieson and had a long talk about various matters-- At Tsui-tng-kha the new chapel was packed and many outside listening.