內容摘要說明:At Chheng-kus-sia 63 assembled for worship' 10 were bap.' 2 were appointed Deacons. 16 at communion crossed to A-li-sai' 58 at service' 13bap…. The petty mandarin there killed an ox and sent a man with the hind quarters to the next chapel' as I could not wait to dine with him…Our start was rather late and as we took narrow paths' short cuts etc. we had a time of it…Water covered the paths in many places one' two & 2? feet deep so that we could not follow; but every now and again were in the rice fields and pools etc…Heavy rains caused the streams to become swollen' so we were on the way till dark when we arrived at Tang-koe-soa where we preached and spent the night. It is a Chinese place and we had a grand opportunity to make known the gospel. Extr. Teeth etc.