內容摘要說明:Left at 8 a.m. crossed the river and got up on the table land all so charming with tea-plantations mostly well laid out with abrus Precatorius on the four sides of each square… A square varying from two or three to 10 or more acres…We had dinner at a flourishing town called Leng-tham-pi' nearly all people are Hak-kas… Extracted many teeth…Further on we sat a few moments in front of a rice shop; then we went on to Kiam-chhai-ang. On arrived at first were refused lodgings in the inns. Soon though a man took us to an In in the outskirts… The entire family were in bed with fever. Malarial fever… So when our bearer began to clean the place out a bit…remove stick bundles of grass pigs…and I began to give medicine…it looked more like a ward in a Hos. than an Inn for travellers. Half the town was laid aside with Malarial cachexia or actually help less in bed with the fever…so too the surrounding country…Going out over the hills I met a man who was in the hospital 5 or 6 years ago. He had a tumor removed from his face and seemed so grateful! Last night savages came out from the mountains-surrounded a house and killed the entire family six in number. We passed not far from the place…showed the galvanic battery. Extracted teeth…spoke of Jesus etc…