內容摘要說明:At 7 a.m. with preachers and students took a boat and went to Chiu-nih. The chapel was crowded and each one spoke a little. Lai-Sun and A-Hoa etc… Theng did well. The Lun-a teng people and Go-ko-khi were there. I spoke on Purgatory also the Popish dogma that the end justifies the means…etc. The Spanish priests stood for a while in front of their own door' then went in and shut it. The towns people were sneering at them on account of their boasting previously. Got out at 3 p.m. saw Jamieson who secured cheerful although looking weak. Nothing w'd keep him from the Col. in the eve. I spoke on Heb. 6:18 also John 3:15 "Eternal life" eternal life! Glorious. Jamieson was carried a chair. Mr. Gowland an old friend called on me.