內容摘要說明:Cloudy and disagreeabl. Mr. Mackay and three children A Hoa' He' Sun-a' Kau' Tsun-a etc. Went to 6 A.M. on board the Steam launch and at 9 A.M. got to Bang-kah' then went on to Toa-tiu-tiaN' the chapel was crowded. One Siu-chai present. I preached on Ececlesiastes 12:1-8. Explaining the different verses' then taking the first verse as my text I expounded it " Remember thy etc." I spoke for one hour and a half then after a short interval we all met and fully 60 sat around the Lord's Table-I again Spoke on Reasons Why we Should Remember our Creator. We had a truly profitable time. We returned to Bang-kah' then took the launch for this place' worship in the eve. Glorious day' dau of Rest Rain