內容摘要說明:At 8 A.M. went on board the Steam Launch here' Mrs. Mackay' three Children Giam' He' Sun-a' Tsun-a' Kau-a Gong-a and Several Students-we arrived at 9 A.M. and soon all assembled and He and A Hoa Spoke a little. I addressed them on Mk. 4: 41 " What manner of man is this" ? All were intensely interested and listened with profound silence. Then I bap. eight(80) and we ordained two elder (2) as well as one(1) Deacon. After singing for sometime we dispersed' then met again to commemorate Our Lord's dying love. Including Students and a few from Go-ko-khiN fully 50 sat down. After calling at the Elder's house we came out to Tamsui- Worship in eve.