內容摘要說明:Very early began preparations - put up a flag-staff with the British flag on it. Then Four around one with the name Lord Effingham on it' One had Drake' One Hawkins and one Frobisher' Also put up the Dragon flag. At 8 P.M. the bell being rung. I mounted the stand and addressed them on the Spanish invasion of 1588. Then fire-works began. All the students' preachers and crowds from the town were there. The " Fukien" being in Mr. Intyre etc. came also. H.B.M. consul Bourne' Comm. Charmers' his sisters. Petersen. Cap. Gaety. Dr. Rennie' all in the outdoor' staff of customs Mr. Reid from Coal Harbor. Mr. I. H. Leuris Lapraiks etc. etc. Mr. Jamiesen for a while- Chinese lanterns were burn all around. The col. and girl's school were all lighted uo beautifully and a very pleasant and profitable time was Spent' All being greatly pleased. As a fact in History. Sure I am It will be remanber by foreigners for many a long day in their lives. No doubt indeed many will think of the eve. as they journey through life as something by which to remember Tamsui-