內容摘要說明:Heavy rain throughout the night. Strong wind blowing also arose at 4 A.M. and got ready for a trip. At 6 A.M. Mrs. Mackay' children' Sun-a' Kau-a the old nurse---- A Hoa and twenty Students boarded a Steam launch and went up beyond Kan-tau and landed' then a few used Sedan chair' the rest walked to the Sulphur Spring near Pau-tau. On arriving we found many men digging the Sulphor rocks as it might be called' then putting into a pan with fire under' the Sulphur melts and came to the top. When cool it is taken out in pieces and the bottom which cooked into black stones like slate is thrown away---- Came back over the upland' through tea plantations etc. All Nature seemed in its glory on the way returning. The tea beautiful and green. Many out with baskets picking the leaves. The Abrue Precatorious in full bloom with its smiling till yellow blossom. Everything indeed so charming with birds Singing etc. Students and all were so delighted----- I took occasions at eve. worship to speak of these things-------