內容摘要說明:Ther. 56'. At 6 A.M. and at noon it rose to 74'. Made a very early start though it was very chilly with heavy dew on the grass and trees. The sun arouse in full splendor and we trudged along till at noon. 12 A.M. We were on the top of the mountain where we halted for some time' then came on and at 2: 30.P.M. we arrived at the Teng-siang-khoe chapel and in one hour up came Dr. Warburg from Hamburg and he was busy at his Botanical Specimen whilst I went on with my mission work----- In the eve. the chapel was packed full and I preached to them' then baptized five in all. One old man seemed quite overcome and indeed all were so much interested and confessed Christ with so much fervor and determination that it was very encouraging. Retired when quite late wearied enough. Bab. 15+9=24