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內容摘要說明:Left Tamsui at 8 A.M. on the steam launch A Hoa and several Students went along. Fine fresh day---- we took a " Kick- Shaw" and went to see the Windmill for taking up water from a well near the arsenal or military stores. It was manufactured from Hamburg-also visited the new Yamen and dwelling house of the General Liu-Beng-chuan---- It is half foreign and half Chinese Style. It stands two stories high. The lowered part is floored with board as well as the upper. There is an open court in the center. Large wings extend on each side and the Whole will be very Complete and solid being built of bricks. Public Bathrooms in the New city The window Shattered are of foreign Style-What an improvement on the old style altogether. We also went to the Public Bath inside the city gate. Thirty men could bath at once in warm water all in one large room. Then each man by himself could get a place quite distant yet inside the building and for---cash. Also warm water' arranged in Stalls like and a bath tub in each The water was taken out of a well by a Shaduff' Egyptian Style. Then heated in a furnace coal being used for fuel. The water was allowed to run out after being used. One room had towels etc. and tobacco for smoking. And place for holding cloth whilst washing their bodies. Iong-lo-iN Shops too we visited all being conducted in Western Style and Western goods were being sold. Lamps etc. etc. Then we went to second story house. Quite a new and in Hong Kong fashion had tea from the Main-land---- Also visited a new house not far from our new chapel. Called " Home for the aged" or about that. Fully eighty persons could accommodated. One man Remains in Charge------ Procession In the afternoon we went up on the wall and watched a procession-men were carried on the Shoulder of others' standing up. Sitting down- playing on instruments etc. Some rode on Ponies. Others on water Buffalos etc. children I.E. boys dressed like girls going round & round. called Tsui-chhia-koh Crowds stood on each side in immense numbers. Fully 20' or 30 thousand. In Bang-kah 100 eating places provided and about 100 to Sit around 10 tables at each place------ As I stood on the wall above all passing not one angry face could be seen' not one voice uttered ever the term " Hoan-a" Thousands looked up smiling and saying Kai-bok-su Pastor Mackay---- The vast crowds Seemed very indifferent careless men about the whole affair. Even the chair in which the Principle Idol I.E. Seng- hong ia City god was carried was Critical. Many said they had enough of it were tired of the procession now going on for several days--------- In front of the large temple Leaving the wall myself. A Hoa and Several Students proceeded the open Space in front of the large temple near our new Stone Church and also quite close to the spot where the mob. Pulled down our little house of worship and threatened our lives---- On and on the procession moved now before us whilst thousands filled the streets and open space. A halt was called and to our surprised all the Bang-kah headmen two and two were beside us. They turned round' bowed respectfully Smiled and passed on. O heavens ! Earth! What a change ! God Rules----- There were the men who met at night deliberated etc. and hounded on the Excited Teeth extracted 513. An invitation. mobs to tare our chapels down so many times etc.--- In the eve. they invited me to dine with them also wished to know when I would accept an invitation from themselves and the City people. Getting my forceps out I began to extracted teeth and before dark removed 513. the great crowds passing and repassing were really glad to see me in their midst. They showed it more ways than one----- In the eve. the chapel was packed full and Shade a grand opportunity to make known the glory of our Blessed Gospel. All hail the power of Jesus name-" Fukien" off foe Amoy.
發生時間: 1887/12/10
攝製地點:Ther. 68'.
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