內容摘要說明:In the morning very early left the city with Theng' Sun-a and Several converts. and went along a winding path up and down hill. Passed thus through a regular Sugar cane growing region. Saw nothing save this and sweet potatoes until toward noon then the soil appeared richer and lovely groves of Siu-si-a ( and bamboo could be seen. At length we came to a charming Spot with a clear mountain stream running along. Green grass on each side and stone with pebbles in the bottom. Difficult to surpass such scenes all along then to a Hak-kah village on the top of a rising ground. Hak-ka village. Ge-bai-a Halted a few moments under a large Banyan tree where several hundred could Sit' then on to a Private dwelling near by. All the afternoon going about and back to the village Ge-bai. Extracted many teeth and saw Several Hak-kah village all around. Charcoal made in abundance. Lovely scenery. The hosts house one of the largest and cleanest Seen in all Formosa' and built for upwards of $ 100. everything there being cheap. In the eve. many gathered and we Spoke and Sang. Indeed just when I got through some 30 came up and wanted to hear me about the doctrine So we another meeting and retired very late. Still greatly rejoicing--------