內容摘要說明:In the morning proceeded to Ta-na-bi' bap.6 and preached to 60 to whom the Gospel Seemed Precious. It was at noon. Then on to Pho-lo-sin-a-oan bap.3. 80 of our converts present. About 3 P.M. came then to Sau-hut. In the Kap-tsu-lan plain everyday going see Mud paths through paths of mud about 2 1/2 feet wide. Mud between 3 and six inches deep water covering the rice fields on each side all like a lake. In places the paths on a level with the water' in places under the water and here and there a foot higher than the water. Sticky as Putty. Hard work Slipping falling and looking anxiously every moment. In the eve. I preached with A Hoa 130 present. Bap. 4. Retired very late-------