內容摘要說明:Came to Tang-mng-thau' bap.43 Elder. Ord. 2. Dea.2. passed on to Po-lo-sin-a-han then to Bu-loan bap. 78. Elders ord. 5 Dea.4. Went then to Ki-bu-lan' Ki-li-tan bap. 57. Eld.2 Dea.4. Passed on to Toa-tek-ui bap.27. Eld. Ord. 1 Dea.3 and towards eve. arrived at Ta-ma-ien preachers' converts etc. from other place assembled and in the eve. bap. 82. Elder 4' Deacon 4. I preached until late at night. On this tour stood on benches mostly and preached for hours at a time under burning sun. In all bap----Ordained Elders----- ~ Deacons----