內容摘要說明:Pressed on very early and at 10 A.M we were at Takao in Mr. R's house. At 3 P.M after hours of pleading decided to make some part of Formosa my field of labor. The burden not all together laid down; but O God I thank thee' so far it is quite a relief.
內容摘要說明:我們加緊趕路,在10點到達打狗李庥牧師的家中。 在下午3點經過數個小時的懇求之後決定以台灣的某些地方作為我服事的工場。 心裡的重擔尚未完全的放下,噢!但是上帝我感謝你,至少目前這算是一種解脫。我的意向馬上轉向北台灣。現在我懇求上帝的引導。 And don't care for