石渠寶笈三編(御書房),第七冊,頁3081 &*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁136-137 &*故宮書畫圖錄,第三冊,頁57-58&*唐太宗起文學館,收聘賢才,以杜如晦、房玄齡、于志寧、蘇世長、薛收等十八人,並為學士。旋收卒,復召劉孝孫補之,命閻立本圖像,褚亮為贊,題名字爵里,號十八學士。 此幅宋人仿作,畫學士四人圍几而坐,另一學士撫鬚而立,溫文儒雅,神情泰然。園中松樹挺立,芍藥盛開,奇石並陳,尚有兩隻孔雀閒立。全圖設色雅正,用筆精工,堪稱佳作。&*A gathering of refined, scholarly gentlemen has convened beneath this garden's tall pine. Relaxed and self-composed, some of the men are seated at a table, while another stands to one side, thoughtfully stroking his beard. They are joined by a pair of peacocks in the foreground, while behind them is displayed an unusual rock half-hidden by blossoming peonies. The painting's refined senses of coloring and meticulous brushwork are of the finest caliber. This is actually a Sung copy of a work by the famous T'ang dynasty artist Yen Li-pen (d. 673), who was commissioned to paint eighteen scholars of the Hall of Literary Studies established by the emperor T'ai-tsu (r. 627-649). The scholar Ch'u Liang wrote a eulogy for the original version of The Eighteen Scholars and a colophon noting the men's names and home towns.