石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁1138 &*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁30-31 &*故宮書畫圖錄,第一冊,頁119-120&*黃筌(活動於西元十世紀前期),四川成都人。字要叔。童年的時候,就善於繪畫。長大之後,從刁光胤、滕昌祐、李昇、孫位、薛稷幾位名家那裡學得各家的長處,使他的畫藝更加進步,並且脫離前人的格局,而有自己的面貌。十七歲便在前蜀後主(西元九一八—九二五年)宮廷裡,任待詔職務。 他最擅長於花鳥,大都畫宮廷裡的珍禽奇卉。作畫時,先以墨筆很嚴謹地勾勒線條,然後再層層填染色彩。他的色調鮮明艷麗,特別有富麗堂皇的感覺。 &*Huang Ch'üan (style name Yao-shu) came from Ch'eng-tu in Szechuan. He was already an excellent painter as a child but his art progressed even further as an adult when he studied the works of his contemporaries Tiao Kuang-yin, T'eng Ch'ang-yu, Li Sheng, Sun Wei, and Hsüeh Chi. Nonetheless, he was able to cast aside the influence of former painters to establish his own style. At the age of 16 he was already serving as Painter-in-Attendance in the palace under Emperor Hou-chu (r. 918-925) of the Former Shu. Huang Ch'üan specialized in painting flowers and birds, especially the rare birds and exotic plants kept in the palace. When painting, he would first lay out the composition with fine ink outlines and then build up the colors in successive layers. His paintings are most notable for their use of bright, beautiful colors which create a sense of gorgeousness and grandeur.