秘殿珠林續編 (乾清宮),第一冊,頁92 &*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁124-125 &*故宮書畫圖錄,第三冊,頁11-12&*1.李玉珉,〈宋人畫如來說法圖〉,收入王耀庭、許郭璜、陳階晉編,《故宮書畫菁華特輯》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1987年初版,2001年再版),頁150-151。 2.李玉珉,〈宋人畫如來說法圖〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第200期(1999年11月),頁40-41。 &*畫佛登寶座說法,旁有侍者六人:兩天女,兩僧,兩介士隨侍。佛頂圓光,四周飛燄,畫火筆法極生動而傳神。全幅以水墨為主調,略施淡彩,其它如手足諸事,無不刻畫肌容,揣擬入妙。天女衣褶,如曹衣出水,本為印度作風,北魏時傳入中國,北宋以後又復少見。故成畫當在北宋時,為院藏佛畫中之甚精者。&*The Buddha sits on his throne surrounded by six figures: two female deties, two monks, and two guardian figures. Flames encircle the Buddha's halo, painted most realistically with a very brush. The painting incorporates mostly monochrome ink lines with light washes of ink. The drawing of the hands and the feet is exceptionally solid and descriptive. The drapery style of the female deities, known as "wet drapery" and associated with the artist Ts'ao Chung-ta of the Northern Ch'i dynasty(550-577), had its origin in Indian sculpture. This drapery style was introduced into China and used in the paintings of the Northern Wei dynasty(386-535). Since it was rarely used after the Northern Sung dynasty(960-1126), this painting would seem to be of a Northern Sung date and is perhaps one of the finest Buddhist paintings in our Museum.&*一佛半跏趺坐於蓮座之上,座側有二天王、阿難、大迦葉和二供養菩薩圍繞。該坐佛長眉細目,法相莊嚴。二天王身穿盔甲,手持劍槊,神情威武。年輕的阿難溫文儒雅,年長的大迦葉滿面風霜。人物神情各異,栩栩如生。畫幅四角分鈐「雙龍」(半印)、「政龢」、「宣和」和「內府圖書之印」,為一幅宣和裝的作品,可見此畫曾為徽宗(1100-1125在位)內府所收,當出自北宋或北宋以前的畫家之手。畫中供養菩薩體態豐腴,衣紋沿線以墨暈染,仍見晚唐餘風;而佛的肉髻低平,髻底有一隆起物,乃宋代佛像的特色之一,故推測為北宋早期之作。