石渠寶笈續編(養心殿),第二冊,頁1122-1124&*故宮書畫錄(卷四),第二冊,頁293-295&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十一冊,頁327-330&*趙淇(西元一二三九-一三○七年),長沙人。字元德,號靜華翁。入元為湖南道宣慰使。為文辭、圖畫以自樂。周伯琦(一二九八-一三六九),饒州人。字伯溫。至正間為翰林修撰,工書法,命篆宣文閣寶及題扁,後為明太祖所殺。圖繪巖嶂石壁下,童僕放鶴出籠,趨趕任其翔飛,高士駐足仰觀。全圖筆墨清新,人物衣描勁挺,形神兼俱。後有周伯琦篆書相鶴經,行筆圓潤可愛,書畫相合可為雙絕。&*Chao Ch'i, a native of Ch'ang-sha, served as an official in Hunan during the Yuan (1279-1368). He wrote and painted for pleasure. Chou Po-ch'i, a native of Jao-chou, served as a Hanlin Editor in the early Yuan. Excelling at calligraphy, Chou composed plaques in clerical script. In the early Ming (1368-1644), however, he was executed. This work shows a child attendant having released a crane from a cage below rocky cliffs. It flaps its wings as a scholar looks on in admiration. The brushwork here, the drapery lines of the figures strong, and the spirit are all well conveyed. The inscription by Chou in clerical script follows. His calligraphy is mature yet appealing, creating a perfect complement to the painting.