石渠寶笈三編(御書房),第七冊,頁3081&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁136-137&*故宮書畫圖錄,第三冊,頁63-64&*唐太宗起文學館,收聘賢才,以杜如晦、房玄齡、于志寧、蘇世長、薛收等十八人,並為學士。旋收卒,復召劉孝孫補之,命閻立本圖像,褚亮為贊,題名字爵里,號十八學士。 槐陰下,翠竹數竿,間以文石。畫中四人一握團扇,一執塵尾,一盥手回眸,另一則袒衣立於後,諸人皆專注凝視畫幀,神態悠雅閒適,若沉醉於畫幅景境之中。&*When T'ang T'ai-tsung (r. 626-649) established the Hall of Literary Studies (Wen-hsüeh Küan ), he commissioned Yen Li-pen (d. 673) to paint the eighteen talented scholars he had engaged. Ch'u Liang wrote a eulogy for the painting and a colophon noting the scholars' names and hometowns. This composition, one of a set of four hanging scrolls, is a Sung dynasty copy of the original T'ang painting. In the center of the composition in the shade of a locust tree and bamboo, four scholars are gathered around a table made of agate. One scholar holds a round fan while another a duster. The third scholar washes his hands and looks back over his shoulder. The fourth stands behind the painting held by servant boys. Their expression is refined and serious, as though they were totally immersed in the painting.